About BBIncubator
The theoretical information dispensed in education is way higher than the practical needs of the market. The economic structure has not been functioning in synergy to a productive system. It has been over 60yrs post-independence, the environment, demographics and the economic structure have all changed but the education system follows the same syllabus set in the colonial days to address the administrative needs of the colonial government. The system of education trained people who would work in administrative roles or factories.
That is why continuing this system of education produces certificates but it does not provide competitive knowledge for the youth to thrive in today’s job market. They become experts in areas which the local economy does not require. There are overly educated individuals who are under-skilled or overly-skilled. The productive system has issues with recruiting technically competent candidates with specialized local knowledge particularly in the industrial sector. This has an impact on the development of projects and directly affects the attraction of foreign direct investment. With the skills market constantly changing, the youth barely finish learning one skill in school by the time they graduate when the job market requirements have changed.
This is the reason why entrepreneurship is very important and needs to be deployed in this context. Cameroon needs a generation of its citizens, a swathe of who are under 25yrs old to understand entrepreneurship, its hardships and work daily to provide solutions that will contribute to the development of Cameroon.
We are here to Empower you to make a difference
This is where the Boris Bison Youth Empowerment Business Incubator (BBYEBI) comes in. Young African entrepreneurs are particularly vulnerable in their early/start-up years, and particularly in Cameroon where there is a higher percentage of inexperienced youths starting businesses. A lack of exposure to the formal sector’s mature corporate governance (due to a widespread lack of employment opportunities) means that there are a significantly higher percentage of students or inexperienced entrepreneurs trying their luck at starting companies. Entrepreneur start-up environment is increasingly hostile in Cameroon as services remain inadequate, inaccessible and expensive.

The Boris Bison Youth Empowerment Business Incubation is a strong advocate of the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and is on a mission to mentor start-ups and youths with the express aim of nurturing an environmentally conscious and profitable economy. Leveraging its highly qualified network of stakeholders and facilitators, BBYEBI will deliver young Africans with entrepreneurial prowess using Coaching, Training, Mentoring and Monitoring (CTMM) model; a programme that seeks out profitable sustainable pathways and avenues for scalable growth throughout Africa. Over a period of 3 months, BBYEBI will undertake intensive training programmes, networking services, entrepreneurship development and seed funding free of charge for 20 candidates per cohort.

Our Vision
Empower young Cameroonian entrepreneurs between the ages of 18-35, to alleviate poverty and job scarcity by establishing successful businesses.

Our Mission
Provide an enabling environment for budding entrepreneurs to realise their dreams through a great workspace with access to security, internet and technical assistance 24/7